I would like to thank SJSU Marketing Association for giving me the opportunity to tour Linkedin.
Not only was I able to see their beautiful Sunnyvale facility, but also I was able to take away an idea of what I value in a company.
As said by our amazing tour guide Winnie Chu, a Marketing Specialist at Linkedin, the company’s culture is very much rooted in their values.
One of their values that really stuck out to me was “Members First”.
How I interpreted the phrase was that Linkedin prioritized their members, who include customers and employees, needs.
Winnie mentioned a story in which a Linkedin employee was leaving the company to work for a different company. In response, Linkedin threw a congratulations party for him. The congratulations party was completely funded by Linkedin. That is a company that cares about their employees regardless if it is with the company, and I highly respect that.
Linkedin also is a company that understands that their employees may not stay with them permanent.
They have this term called the “next play”, where the employee is given the opportunity to voice what they want to learn or what their future goals are in their career path to their employers. This “next play” allows Linkedin employers and employees to work to further their goals together.
Hearing what LinkedIn values and how they demonstrate their values helped me develop and idea what values I would want my future employer to possess.
I want to work for a company that cares about their employees. I want to work for a company that aids their employees to grow not only in the professional aspect, but also as a person. Because in the end, we are all people who are constantly growing and changing, and it would be great to help each other along the way.
More on my values: Finding My Community Through Faith