4 Easy Care Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Sunlight

4 Easy Care Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Sunlight

I have decided to become a plant parent, like every other Millennial and Gen Z during COVID. Plants help decorate your home (that maybe now is your workspace) and they are a fun hobby to have!

If you’re looking for indoor plants that have limited requirements for care – this list is for you. 

This list of indoor plants is organized into largest size to smallest size, from full grown house plants to small desk plants!

indoor plants : dumbcanes

Dieffenbachia (Dumbcanes)

  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight 
  • Height: 3 – 10 feet 
  • Watering: Maintain moist soil
  • Humidity: Preferred (great for kitchen or bathroom)
  • Poisonous: Yes, if ingested by humans or pets.
  • Cool Features: Dumbcanes have a beautiful white pattern in the center of their leaves!
indoor plants : peace lily

Peace Lillies

indoor plants : spider plants

Spider Plants

  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight 
  • Height: 1 – 2 feet
  • Watering: Maintain moist soil
  • Humidity: Preferred 
  • Poisonous: No, pets such as dogs and cats love to eat spider plants but too much can cause them to have an upset stomach. 
  • Cool Features: Spider plants grow horizontally, creating many baby spider plants! Here is how to repot baby spider plants.
indoor plants : marimo moss balls
My little moss balls that I named Bob Moss!

Marimo Moss Balls

  • Sunlight: Indirect sunlight 
  • Height: 8 – 12 inches
  • Environment: A bowl of water
  • Poisonous: No, they are non-toxic. 
  • Cool Features: Marimo moss balls take forever to grow (as in 20 years for just three centimeters in diameter) ! They can also be kept in fish tanks to help add oxygen and nutrients.

Become a plant parent today 🙂 

Aside from easy indoor plant decor, read about how to build your room decor without breaking the bank!

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